Vegetable science medicine focus

Timely medication. The application is usually carried out in the early stage of the occurrence of pests and diseases. It is not advisable to spray the medicine in the case of rainy days or high temperatures to prevent the temperature in the shed from being too high and to reduce the efficacy.

Use the medicine correctly. Properly applied pesticides, different types of pesticides with different mechanisms of action should be used interchangeably, and their mechanism of action is different. If you pay attention to rotation, it can delay the development of resistance to pests and diseases.

Safe medication. Vegetable application of high-efficiency, low-toxic, slightly toxic, low-residue pesticide varieties, can not blindly increase the concentration of drugs and the number of drugs. Properly in accordance with the instructions for use, the use of highly toxic pesticides is strictly prohibited. When using pesticides, a new high-fat membrane can be added and mixed, which can transform high-toxic pesticides into poisoning, poisoning pesticides are low-toxic, and low-toxic pesticides are slightly toxic.

Regular pharmacies purchase, the use of time on the premise of ensuring the quality of the drug, the pesticides that have expired, prohibiting the application, will cause economic losses, phytotoxicity.
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Plasticizers (UK: plasticisers) or dispersants are additives that increase the plasticity or fluidity of a material. The dominant applications are for plastics, especially polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The properties of other materials are also improved when blended with plasticizers including concrete, clays, and related products

Plasticizer And Coating
Diethylene Glycol Dibenzoate
Dipropylene glycol Dibenzoate
1,3,5-Tris(2-hydroxyethyl)cyanuric acid
Acetyl Acetone
Glycerol Epichlorohydrin

Acetyl Acetone 2


Plasticizer And Coating

Triacetin Plasticizer,Diethylene Glycol Dibenzoate,Acetyl Acetone,Glycerol Epichlorohydrin

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