Completion acceptance process for external thermal insulation construction

Completion acceptance process for external thermal insulation construction:

1. Before bonding the insulation board and the cover surface to the crack-resistant mortar, the dust, dirt and oil stains on the base layer should be clean and sprinkled with water. Inspection method: Check the construction record.

2. The variety and performance of materials for thermal insulation board, bonded mortar and overlay mortar should meet the design requirements. The mixing ratio of the bonding mortar and the anti-cracking mortar of the overcoat layer, the mixing uniformity should meet the requirements. Inspection method: check the product certificate, material entry record and re-examination report, construction record.

3. Before the outer wall insulation layer, the overcoat layer and the facing brick are bonded, the sample parts should be made on the same base layer, and the bonding strength of the veneer bricks of the sample parts should be tested. The inspection method and result judgment should conform to the construction. The provisions of the Test Standard for Bond Strength of Engineering Facing Bricks (JCJ110). Inspection method: On-site pull test report.

4, the insulation board and the base layer, the crack-resistant mortar cover layer and the insulation board must be firmly bonded, no delamination, hollow drum, ash and cracks. Inspection method: Observe, use a small hammer to tap the inspection, check the hidden records and construction records.

5. The lap joint of the mesh cloth, the edging of the door, window, hole, yin and yang angle shall meet the design requirements. Inspection method: Observe and check the hidden records.

6. The surface of the plaster around the corners, holes, grooves and boxes should be neat and smooth, and the joints and gray lines should be clear and beautiful. Inspection method: observation, hand touch inspection.

7. The total thickness of the anti-cracking mortar plaster should meet the design requirements. The plaster surface should be smooth, clean, uniform in color, and no obvious graves. Inspection method: observe, check the construction record, check the flatness with ≤ 4mm with 2 meters and ruler.

8. The installation and setting of the separation strip and the insulation nail should meet the requirements of the installation. The width and depth of the separation strip should be uniform, the surface should be smooth, and the edges should be neat. Inspection method: observation, ruler inspection, pull line inspection, and inspection of hidden records.

9. The allowable deviation and inspection method of the quality of the overcoat layer shall be referred to the “Code for Acceptance of Quality of Building Decoration Engineering” GB50210-2001.

10. The evaluation data is perfect.

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