Dualism of Legal Person's Thinking and Discussion with Su Li

The dualism of the legal person's thinking and the judge's case-handling method and thinking with Su Lishang and Sun Xiaoxia's female ideology, and denying the legal person's existential approach to methodological doctrine, advocates "beyond the law" and balance, follow the rules, and go beyond the law. The legal person can not rigidly adhere to the legal rules and the concept logic. In the face of rigid laws and livelihoods, it cannot be rigidly considered as a resultist consideration. However, when considering the social consequences, we cannot exaggerate the function and meaning of “beyond the law”, and cannot cover and negate the “beyond the law” function already existing in the method of doctrinal law in the methods of the Anglo-American legal system. The Negative Thinking Method of the Legal Person in the Methodology of Negation .

This has always been necessary for the maintenance of law itself.

Carl Enghis's justice is suitable to provide legal basis for the law with an ultra-positivist and progressive attitude. The stability of the law is appropriate to explain the reason for the law with a positivist and conservative attitude.

Radbruch [2] We can never prove that we are awake, saying that we are awake.

Wu Jingxiong (3) Achievements of the "Study on Judicial Function of Transitional China", a Major Project of the Social Science Key Research Base.

[1] (German) Carl Enghis: An Introduction to Legal Thinking, translated by Zheng Yongliu, Law Press 2004, page 4. [2] (German) Radbruch: Philosophy of Law, Wang Pu Translation, Legal Publishing Society Press, 2005, p. 102. [3] Wu Jingxiong: Transcending the Eastern and Western, translated by Zhou Weichi, Social Science Press, 2002, p. 149. Literati thinking “The topic of reflection will also attract professional legal people and many Fascists have doubts about established confidence.

Zhu Wen’s core view is to emphasize the methods and ideas of American-style judges under the leadership of legal realism. (If we do not use inspiring ideas, let us reflect on the limitations of legal dogmatics and reflect on the helplessness of the rules. Just like Suli With the new changes in legal development, the legal person must pay attention to the new challenges and new problems in the legal areas that are caused by the development of socio-economic science and technology, and sticking to the traditional legal dogmatics does have its limitations. The following position in Su Li’s article: Legal persons cannot be confined to legal rules and concepts, and face rigid laws and livelihoods, they cannot be stereotyped without result-oriented considerations.In this sense, scholars prefer academics to reality. The Judicial View of Justice, emphasizing ways to transcend the law Zhu Wen touches on the differences between legal dogma and realism jurisprudence, and this difference is actually what Donald Black calls the “Jurisprudential model” and “Sociological model” (ie Luhmann's so-called Binarycode thinking model). The difference and opposition between them, Faced with the tension and asymmetry between legal rules and social facts (economic, political, social, cultural, moral, etc.), in the author's opinion, the function of “beyond the law” cannot be exaggerated when emphasizing social consequences. In addition, meaning and significance, it is impossible to negate legal teaching methods that specifically think about legal rules. The two should not be a simple relationship, but should be combined and coordinated. In fact, they can also be combined and can be coordinated. This article will address this issue in the final section.

However, in order to emphasize the meaning of “surpassing the law” and “consider the consequences” of realist jurisprudence, Su Li does not directly argue this point of view. Instead, he seeks arguments through the following paths and perspectives: It is hard to originate from contemporary law in China. The professional sports person "shanzhai" has a fictitious topic in the U.S. version or out of his own interests. Second, he questions the existence of "legal man thinking," thinking that there is no unique legal person thinking, and that "legal blindness also has laws. "Thinking" to negate the uniqueness of the legal person's thinking; Third, it is believed that legal dogmatics is only concerned with concepts, regardless of consequences, and does not know how to "beyond the law". It seems that only American legal persons know "beyond the law" and understand consequences. Zhu Wen used the misunderstood, exaggerated, and extremist views as arguments, which not only made it impossible for a meaningful academic opinion to gain support, but also spawned many specious questions. Before discussing these related issues, we must start with the relationship between legal thinking and legal methods. From the perspective of common sense and general knowledge of legal methods and legal thinking, we must clarify some of the issues that have been confused in Su Li’s articles.

It is not the copycat version of the "ThinkingLikeALawyer" from the United States. The inevitability and necessity of the "legal person's thinking" are closely related to the background that China's judicial reform needs to be professionalized. Therefore, it is closely related to the theories and concepts of legal formalization, legal profession, proceduralism, and judicial professionalism. It has its own connotations and has become the mainstream legal consciousness of the times.

From the perspective of Suli's many works, he has a skeptical attitude towards the professionalization of the legal person,[6] and therefore there will be his views against the legal person's thinking today. The author does not want to elaborate on the professionalization of legal persons and the theory of legal professionalism, and only clarifies the meaning of the legal profession from the analysis of several basic concepts. The issue of Suli first involves whether we need to recognize the necessity of "Lega1Profession" and "Professionalization". The daily so-called "Occupation" is usually divided into two types. One is "the so-called Trades. It does not require much training, such as craftsmen. As for the healers and teachers, it is Profession. It requires a lot of cultivation, and it also works hard. The object is not for the benefit of others but for the happiness of the group...”[7] Only a small amount of industry develops into a profession, it is professional, autonomous (independence), public, and has a unique Skills and ethics, pre-entry "threshold" requirements, etc. 〔9〕 The “many literacy” required by the legal person includes the legal person’s professional thinking ability and needs to be cultivated through long-term training. It is also based on the particularity of legal thinking and legal methods that makes legal workers become LegalProfession (legal profession) in the sense of professional division of labor, rather than Trade (industry) in the general sense. Occupation is "fiduciary, not just a business" - this is the words of a professional lawyer from the United States. 10) If we recognize the professionalism, autonomy, publicity, and unity of the legal profession, we will not deny the existence of "legal human thinking" that is different from popular thinking. There was a basic contradiction in China's judicial circles before the 1990s: the need for judicial professionalization and a serious shortage of professional lawyers. The legal scholars and the legal profession in China have precisely focused on the shortage of professional lawyers at that time. It was only in the 1990s that they emphasized the importance of “legal people thinking”. In the age when there was no specialization and professionalization of legal activities, there was no legal profession (legal person) or legal method, and thus there was no legal person's thinking. This is the most anxious matter in the legal and jurisprudence circles of our country. If it is recognized that the legal profession is important to the rule of law in China, it must recognize legal professional methods and professional thinking, especially the method of thinking of legal teaching as the basic skill of professional legal persons. Conversely, if you do not recognize the importance of the legal profession for the rule of law in China, you do not need to recognize the legal professional approach and professional thinking.

The legal method is the core element of the legal person's thinking, and the legal person's thinking is the result of the long-term effect of the legal method. Legal thinking [6] Although Li Li discusses the “specialization” of legal activities, he also analyzes the negative effects of specialization. His dissertation may be the earliest article in contemporary China that deals with the negative effects of judicial specialization. It is academically very thorough and thoughtful, but in practice it transcends the background and objective conditions of the times. Therefore, on many occasions, Suli showed a tendency not to support the professionalization of judges and the professionalization of legal activities. For example, he [7] Zheng Xiaotong: two ideals of university education.”, Containing Yang Dongping, “College Spirit”, Lixue Culture Co., Ltd., published in 2001 edition, page 52. [8] See Li Xuebiao: “Legal Professionalism” , China University of Politics and Law Press, 2007, page 6. [0] (US) Brian Kennedy: American Legal Ethics, translated by Guo Naijia, published by He Wan Weeks in 2005, page 7. Brian Kennedy He is a professional lawyer in California.

The main body is the legal person, the thinking object is the legal rule and the fact of the case, and the thinking method is the third element of the legal person's thinking.

The main part of the legal person's way of thinking is the legal method. It is the method that influences thinking and determines whether the subject of thinking has special thinking. As the name implies, the legal method is a method of forming a legal judgment. It is mainly a method of legal person thinking and applying the law. In other words, the legal method is a set of professional methods and is a masterpiece. Whether or not a legal person has a unique mindset depends on the uniqueness of the legal approach. If the legal method is owned by all the people, then legal thinking has no independent status, just like the public thinking. On the contrary, if the legal method is unique, then the legal thinking is also unique. The legal person and the public may be aware of the object of thinking. For example, everyone is concerned about the law and the facts of the case. The method element is the core element that distinguishes professional thinking from popular thinking.

Thinking training usually occurs in professional education or vocational training, or in the process of teaching and teachers. Legal professional (professional) thinking training is no exception. It occurs more often in the legal education process and appears in the mouth of legal teachers. Why do we not hear professional lawyers and judges talking about legal thinking because they are trained and legal thinking has become a habit for them. Just as adults grow up and become accustomed to washing their faces, walking, writing, etc., they will not be as concerned as children about the correctness of their actions in washing their faces, walking and writing, and whether they meet the requirements of their parents' first education.

Therefore, Suli's article logically begins with legal education and talks about legal thinking. Su Li admits that there is a reference to “thinking like a legal person” in the United States and lists the requirements that actually exist in American law school teaching, but he tries to explain it from its purpose. Denying the existence of "legal person thinking". He said that the "ThinkingLikeALawyer" in American legal education is just to "hope them (first-year students) to become familiar with the basic institutional environment of the Anglo-American law as well as some basic skills of analytical reasoning." Regardless of the accuracy of Su Li’s understanding of “Thinking Like Yaw” in American legal education, isn’t “some of the basic skills of analytical reasoning” a legal method? It does not contain the methodological requirements for students to develop legal thinking. Whether or not the legal person's aforementioned "basic skills" do not equal "legal methods", he said, is still necessary and irreplaceable. "As you can tell from this sentence, Suli did not deny it." The legal person’s professional skills and legal methods exist.This is the premise that we may discuss and reach a consensus.Here we will find a formal logic error of Suli: on the one hand to recognize the legal person needs training in professional skills and methods On the other hand, it also negates the existence of legal thinking. Legal persons with professional methods and no professional thinking are just like the “square of circles.” This is truly an incredible monster. Is the legal approach to behavior rather than thinking, which one have we seen? When professional judges use legal methods to think, are they thinking with hands and feet? We cannot Because the existing scientific methods can't clearly understand human thinking activities, they think that people's thinking does not exist, or that people's thinking can only be studied through behavior, and it cannot be said that people's thinking is behavior. Suli said that the so-called law Thinking, in fact, is just behavior.1 If the legal method is not an important factor of legal thinking, and legal thinking is only behavior, then (1) Sulli says on one hand, “We cannot observe the legal person's thinking or thinking empirically. Cannot observe how their brains or other organs are active at the physical or chemical level. "On the one hand," we only see the actions of legal persons and some of the features or patterns present in these actions." Excerpt from Zhu Wen, Part IX Since we know that we are not a human brain or cognitive scientist, we should respect things that we don't understand, and we should not treat things that we don't see or understand as nonexistent, or say something else. s things.

These methods, techniques, and skills are the hands-on techniques of the legal person. Does the legal person have manual operating techniques and reluctantly say that this can include, for example, how the judge informs the participants of the proceedings, how the judge knocks the law, how to draft and print the judgment, How does the judge of the executive court perform it? However, these are the true and essential manifestations of the judge’s professional activities. Obviously not. What is left of judges other than professional thinking? The remaining “behaviors” are almost negligible with respect to judges’ thinking. Judges are judges, and the so-called “behavior” of judges should have been judged only by the brain. Prosecutors are different, their "behavior"

Including prosecution, supervision and so on. Prosecution is intended to be handed over to judges for judgment, and supervision also includes supervision of judges' judgments. The "acts" of lawyers include defense and agency, including the supervision of judges' thinking. From the perspective of the parties, professional thinking is used to facilitate the completion of judges' accurate thinking and judgment. If lawyers do not think, there is no way to complete their defense and agency work. Therefore, legal persons Thinking forms the main part of all its activities. The first notable feature of a professional (or professional) is that “professionals are involved in intelligence and mental skills, not physical or manual. The English “professional” is often used to “learnedprofession” cultivated through knowledge”. The method is different from the legal method, but the legal thinking exists in the form of methods and methods, and the legal methods more specifically represent the skills of thinking, such as legal interpretation, loophole filling, and the special application of uncertain clauses. And the method of legal reasoning, which is the habit of thinking and the mode of thinking formed by the use of specific professional methods for a long period of time.The legal thinking exists based on legal methods, otherwise the legal person's thinking will not exist.

Su Li acknowledges professional skills and legal methods, but does not recognize the legal person's thinking or legal thinking, which is not consistent with common sense.

Let us take a look at what has been fortunately not negotiated by Suli, which is not listed in terms of logical relations, such as “textual interpretation, dogmatics, ‘words’, and legal reasoning”. All legal interpretations are the non-standard titles of legal interpretation. Law dogmatics usually refers to the legal methodology of normative science that developed from European conceptual law or annotated jurisprudence. The word “抠字” is obviously a folk saying. If you say something nice, it means that legal people are rigorous about the legal provisions. It is difficult to hear that the legal person is quibbled. "Legal reasoning" is obviously "reasoning in formal legal methods", but it is similar to some legal methods in continental law. It can be seen that the juxtaposition of these four things is completely illogical. It is difficult to understand that Su None of the full texts listed legal methods once, but they have arbitrarily denied the existence of legal thinking. It only shows that Suli did not pay attention to or did not take legal methods seriously, and was also confused with inexplicable prejudice against legal methods.

On the one hand, Sulli acknowledges the existence of legal methods and skills, and on the other hand does not recognize the "legal person's thinking." How he considered this issue made us puzzled. Does he want to say: The so-called "legal person" itself does not exist, but in fact he has bravely stated - "Some people want to establish a community of legal people ... This is simply an impossible task"

(From Zhu Wen's third part). In other words, does Suli think of "rule of law? Well, this is simply an impossible task." Indeed, we humans are afraid of difficulties, but humanity has never stopped overcoming difficulties. If you give up because of things, and give up the pursuit, and turn against all the ideals and beliefs for the difficulties, even if the article is beautiful again, it is also lacking [3] The author used the “legal family” in relevant articles published over a decade ago. "The way of thinking" aims to show that legal person or legal person has a professional thinking method different from other professions (and occupations). The reason for not using "legal method" is because of this (see Sun Xiaoxia, see note above) ).

Scholars should be responsible. Chinese literati have always had the spirit of "iron shoulders and morals, and wonderful articles". In the present society, whether a scholar still has to assume the responsibility of inspiring the people and leading the society. If he is not trying to change the backward reality and strive to pursue the beautiful ideal, he should not only think about admitting reality, negative ideals, and exaggerating difficulties. Demonstrate the rationality of the backward phenomenon. How should that be explained? Zhu Wen's misunderstanding lies in the separation of the legal person's thinking (legal thinking) from the legal profession and its legal methods. For legal people, legal thinking is independent of a particular professional approach. We cannot imagine that one's thinking can be separated from his thinking methods. We also cannot imagine that a legal person has professional thinking without a legal method.

Second, the uniqueness of legal methods determines the independence of legal thinking We first look at the content of legal methods. The legal interpretation of the method of legal dogmatics, the filling of gaps in legal loopholes, and the special application of general terms (concepts) constitute the legal method of continental law systems. The Anglo-American legal system was formed under the tradition of case law, and the legal method was also focused on "legal reasoning."

(Legal reasoning), legal reasoning has become the collective name for the methods applicable to law (jurisprudence) in English and American law. Judging from the perspective of the Anglo-American legal person, European and European styles cannot be construed as "legal people's thinking." The key questions are: Are these specific to the legal person or are commonly used by non-legal professionals? We choose one of the legal methods, combined with a simple "pediatric" case.

The facts of the case: A 3-year-old child and his mother A were in the neighbor's yard. The mother A was talking to the neighbor B. The child was teasing the cock in the yard. Unexpectedly, the left eye was cocked and the court sued the neighbors. B.

The question in this case is: Neighbor B should not be compensated. How much is the loss, we assume that both the legal person and Aunt Muram are familiar with the following two articles: "The General Principles of Civil Law" stipulates in Article 127 that "the animals being raised cause damage to others, the animals The keeper or manager shall bear civil liability. Second, Article 131 of the General Principles of the Civil Law states that "the victim is also at fault for the occurrence of the damage and may reduce the civil liability of the infringer."

This is a very simple case in fact, so that Auntie Murakami will be able to make judgments and draw conclusions, and her conclusions and legal person's judgment will be consistent, but the difference between them is reasoning (judgment). reason). I remember there was a sarcasm of the judge saying "Judges tend to make mistakes on reasons." Indeed, the most important reason for judicial judgment is the reason. The legal proverb cloud "is vague and uncertain is not a convincing reason"

There are indeed sufficient reasons and the conclusions are testable.

Then, how did the legal person make the legal judgment in this case? What is the thinking process? This mainly involves the judgment of two syllogisms.

The first syllogism, based on the provisions of Article 127 of the General Principles of Civil Law, concludes that: B should compensate.

The second judgment is based on the confirmation of the question of whether the child’s mother has neglected the duty of discipline. It was ascertained that the child’s mother had the fact of neglecting the duty of discipline. Then, the application of Article 131 of the General Principles of Civil Law begins. Note that this clause stipulates that "the victim is also at fault for the damage, and can reduce the civil liability of the infringer." In the absence of a lawyer, Aunt Muramori will probably not tolerate the notion of "victim". Because the plain interpretation of the "Victim" text is understood in the normal way, in this case it only refers to the victimized three-year-old child. However, minors do not have any legal faults. The facts tell us that the mother and child are at fault. Can the victim's mother's fault be considered as the fault of the victim? Village Aunt will say yes or no. Without professional training, she could not carry out legal thinking, and she could not answer this question from the legal method. If the aunt is entrusted to serve as an agent of A, she strongly insists that the victim does not include the mother, and that Party B lawyers will refute her. If the mother is entrusted to act as an agent for Party B, she claims that the victim includes a mother. The Party A lawyer will refute her. Aunt simply can not legal thinking in such cases, give conclusions to convince the other party.

At this point, only professional legal people can solve this problem through legal thinking and the use of legal methods. If he does not use legal methods, even professional lawyers will be hesitant here, so the grass-roots judges will often conduct "and muddy" mediation.

The correct and legal person's way of thinking is to include the concept of "victim" in the method of law hermeneutics to subsumere (subsumere), that is, to compare norms (macro premise) and facts (small premise) in facts and norms. The "round trip" between the two

(Engers "brows and turns between the premise and the facts of life") or shuttle back and forth (Wang Zejian) or "look and feel."

In the process of comparison (contrast) with the factual situation, "- we can easily find this sentence in the works of civil law, but this is also the consensus of the Anglo-American law professor. [15] An Anglo-American judge has also taken the case. It is impossible to avoid such "from the rules to the facts, and then from the facts to the rules" to "look and look." Su Li can not say that this "look left and right" is behavior or action, Larenz pointed out that this kind of easy misunderstanding He said, “We cannot imagine the 'reflection between the facts of the case and the 'reflection of the eyes' between the laws and regulations. Imagine: Only the change of the eyes of judges is a kind of ideological process. Here, the 'fact of unprocessed cases' gradually It is translated into the final (as stated) case facts, and the (unprocessed) normative provision is also transformed into a canonical form that is sufficiently specific and appropriate to judge the facts of the case.” 1H In the second syllogism of the rooster case, why can I The concept of the "victim" child being kidnapped) was extended to his mother. Although such a conclusion is obvious, it is explained to the legal person. It is a very simple “pediatrics”, but it must be pointed out here to expand the explanation (some people think it is the reason for “certain explanation”: treat the mother and the underage child in an integrated manner, and the victim “expands” to the victim. "One party" therefore expands the "negligence of the guardian of the minor victim" into the concept of the "victim." The basis is that the negligence of the legislation is intended to achieve a certain balance between the injuring party and the victim. The possibility of damaging the mother’s three-year-old child should be foreseen but neglected.In 1991, the Supreme People’s Court made an expanded explanation in the judicial interpretation of a similar case, but stated that “Zhao” did not explain the legal method. The (victim) mother's mother has no proper care of Zhao and is also at fault. She should reduce the civil liability of Yin (the infringer). The author believes that many judicial interpretations of the Supreme People's Court have the legal person's thinking and the conclusion is correct, but often [4] (German) Radbruch: "A Collection of Legal Wisdom", translated by Shu Guozhen, China Legal Publishing House, 2001, p. 137. U.S.) Rugello Dousseau: The Logic of Law, Translated by Tang Xinwei, United Bay Publishing House, Page 49.[6] (German) Karl Larenz: Law Methodology, translated by Chen Aiyu, Commercial Press, 2004 Edition , pp. 162 (7) Analysis of the reasons for the expansionary interpretation of the case, see Liang Huixing, “Methods of the Judgment”, Law Press 2003, page 103. [8] How the Supreme People’s Court Appeals to the Case of Zhao Zheng and Yin Fahui Personal Injury Compensation Reply to Legal Policy."

It is not appropriate to justify the legal method. At this point, Aunt Muramatsu will also say "I can guess this conclusion." The crux of the problem lies in the fact that outsiders make this kind of speculation and usually cannot give a methodological reason. Some people even think that this method is too simple, almost taking off pants and farting - this is an overkill. In more complex cases, there will be more complicated legal methods (justifications). What's more, the lawsuits have their opposites. How do you convince the two sides that there are conflicts of interest? There is no legal way to do it.

From the above cases, we can generally know that the reason why we say that the legal method is a special career method: it is because most of the legal concepts that make up the basic material and objects of the legal person's thinking, although derived from the concept of daily life, are all legislated. The members of the legal profession and members of the legal profession have given special legal meanings, such as "residential residences," and in the constitutional interpretation studies also include the hotel where they live, the dormitory for students to study, and the tent for travel. For example, “infringement of residential rights” refers not only to the direct intrusion into the physical space inside a dwelling. In the sense of law interpretation, it may also include peeping directly or indirectly through a certain device outside the dwelling, or eavesdropping on the general private life inside the dwelling. Scenarios and other behaviors. As a layman, he does not know how to solve it through legal thinking and methods. Second, it is because these legal methods are all through the clinical practice of professional legal persons, and are summed up by legal scholars, rather than outsiders can obtain legal thinking. Third, because the methods and types of their methods are not available to the general public, or some methods are simply inconsistent with the public's way of thinking, and even John Qmncy Adams believes that "legal logic is artificial. The reasoning system is only used in courts and is useless on other occasions." 〔0〕Although it is too exaggerated, but it is quite enlightening. Fourth, because most of the methods in legal methodology are not available in other social sciences. Judge Ruggero J. Aldisert stated that the declarative sentence of the premise in legal reasoning must be derived from certain authority (such as constitutional provisions, statute law or case law), which is different from the reasoning in daily life. We cannot start from this proposition simply because we have always believed that a certain proposition is true. Even the “sociological interpretation” in legal interpretation is only a legal perspective that uses sociology to extend the horizon from rules to social facts (instead of really having any sociological methods to guide legal methods). Creative. Fifth, because it is difficult to master without training or professional practice.

In terms of the “method of claim” in the civil law methodology, it has the merits of practical needs, economy, and the appropriateness of the content of the solution. ii. Pidge, Sakamoto, China Taiwan, and civil law circles in mainland China. Civil judicial practice is widely used.

However, the "right to claim method" is not something that can be grasped in the days and months of the year. Even the legal teachers of Keban may not be able to grasp and apply it quickly. It requires continuous training. Without learning and mastering a certain method, it is difficult to develop a legal person's thinking, and it is hard to say that he is a qualified legal person. Of course, one person spent four years in a low-level law school for four years of legal education, and more or less will learn the legal methods. Even if it is low, it also has some legal thinking. If he goes to work in a law firm or a court, practice will allow him to progressively strengthen his awareness of legal methods and strengthen his legal thinking skills.

Or, when a person has not gone through legal training and training, such as reinventing the military to enter the court, he will also acquire certain legal thinking and legal methods in the process of learning by doing. "Our law enforcers at this stage, whether they are judicial officers or administrative officials, do not suffer from their inability to be free, for fear that they do not know science or their rigid logic, lest they have no concept." [3] Mr. Wang Boqi's remarks also apply to today's laws in mainland China.

〔0〕Referring to Yadi Se, see previous note [14], page 48. [2] Wang Zejian: “Examples of Legal Thinking and Civil Law”, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2001, p. 20. [3] Wang Boqi: On Conceptual Jurisprudence "Social Science Forum" July 1960.

Whether or not the legal person has a legal thinking that is independent of the general public, the answer is affirmative, which is determined by the uniqueness of the legal method. The relationship between legal thinking and legal methods is inseparable, what kind of method, what kind of thinking. We believe that we cannot think of “thinking about the law” as the characteristics of the legal person's thinking. This is recognized by Suli. However, he believes that the author's generalization of the legal person's way of thinking, characteristics, or habits is not only ambiguous, but more importantly, it is difficult to set up experience; the establishment of the legal person is not unique to the legal person, nor is it unique. Appropriately summarized." I am very happy to see that Su Li recognizes that the legal person's thinking has aspects that the writer has not adequately summarized. The author hereby sincerely consults Suli and asks the author to supplement the legal person's unique characteristics of thinking. Su Li's criticism of the author's six-point summary of the habit of legal thinking, taking into account the length of this article, the author is not here to make a detailed response. As mentioned earlier, although legal persons have differences in their institutional roles, there are also a number of differences in thinking. For example, the “objective” obligations of prosecutors are different from the “neutral” obligations of judges, and they are different from the “valence” obligations of lawyers. Therefore, their thinking may have certain differences, but this is not enough to constitute a negation of the more common thinking habits and characteristics of legal people.

Zhu Wen's fifth part dismisses the existence of legal thinking as "each legal person has its own institutional role, assumes specific institutional responsibilities" and "different judges also have differences in thinking." How to look at this issue, we certainly know that the legal person has a different division of roles and responsibilities. We also recognize that the institutional roles of judges, prosecutors and lawyers determine that there are some differences in their thinking, but their basic thinking habits and characteristics are still caused by And shared. Su Li also used the "flag burning case"

As an example, the prosecutor and the lawyer "have, to a considerable extent, shared the mode of thinking or characteristic that judgement precedes the argument and the conclusion precedes the reason." Here, it is actually very simple - Suli intentionally or unintentionally confuses the pre-judgment of the prosecutor (or lawyer) with the procedural stage they are in throughout the proceedings. The thinking of the prosecutor or the lawyer's respective pre-judgment (prosecution or defense) is only the middle, but not all, of the proceedings. In terms of the thinking they have completed in their respective areas of work, they are arguments prior to judgments and reasons before conclusions. The prosecutor who burned the flag was also able to draw his conclusions through evidence analysis, fact judgments, and conceptual analysis and reasoning methods. Although the "initial judgment" will also largely guide lawyers or prosecutors, the "initial judgment" is only "unconsciously" as Suli said. It still cannot save his mind and effort - after all, the evidence proves that And conceptual analysis is the homework that legal people can't save. To put it plainly, even if you really have a conclusion, you must be honest and look at the dead horse to do every necessary homework. This is the requirement of the legal method for thinking. This is the requirement of the system for legal thinking.

For the trial of the entire case, the work of the prosecutor and the lawyer became an integral part of the trial procedure of the judge and became a chain in the program as a whole. It became a form of argumentation and reasoning for judges to make the result of thinking judgments, prompting judges to finally draw conclusions. Substantive judgments. When the prosecutor or the lawyer's pre-judgment at the time of handling the case was brought into the litigation process as a whole, both of them were in compliance with procedural ethics, which was supported by the system and ethics in the judicial ethics of various countries. 2 Why do we say that uniform training in Coban is very important, precisely because the methods in Coban's training can be recognized by the community more generally and form consensus in the community. The role of judges, prosecutors, and lawyers in the tripartite, if even basic legal concepts, legal methods, and ways of thinking are all different, then how do they say a piece of it? The reason why all countries have unified the judicial examination is to let three people The concepts, methods, and thinking are unified and become a community. Many countries have the system of selecting judges from lawyers because their concepts, methods, and thinking are unified. If Suli’s views can be established[4] Law students sometimes have doubts: prosecutors prosecute before the judge has decided, and this kind of thinking of culpability without trial will violate the principle of presumption of innocence.上,这个问题如果从检察官伦理上来看(如“客观义务”或“准司法官”,就能迎刃而解了(参见(日)森际康友:《司法伦理》,于晓琪、沈军译,商务印书馆2010年版,页176)。

话,那么,国家应当取消各大学的法学院,法律人才的培养应该分别交由国家法官学院、国家检察官学院和国家律师学院来进行;国家还应当取消司法统一考试,回到2 001年以前的法官资格考试、检察官资格考试和律师资格考试。苏力总是举例说明谁谁谁非科班出身也干得很好,这个问题涉及法律工作者的专业化在实践中的评估,情况比较复杂,容后文再作阐述。









































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